Friday 8 March 2013

Parsnip and Rosemary Soup.

I have been going to Weight Watchers for ages - and recently I have not been very successful at losing the weight.  I  know that this is all down to me - I just cannot seem to get my self into the 'tracking zone'.

Then last week our group leader mentioned 'Filling and Healthy'.  Basicall there is a list of foods that are filling and healthy and you do not need to point them.  Now some of these to have a points value, but not if you are following this approach.  Fruits, veg, lean meats some cereals and very low fat dairy.  You also have to have 2 tpsns of oil a day as well.

Basically you can eat what you want from the list, but need to be disciplined enough to eat until you are just full - not stuffed or even slightly over full.  You can just do a day or longer.  You take any 'extras' from your weekly points allowance.

So I thought let's give it a go.  I figured it would give me a chance to work on some new recipes and hopefully lose a few pounds.

The first new recipe for me is Parsnip and Rosemary soup - which is just lovely.  Now, I love roast parsips and up to now that has been it for me on the parsip front.  I have tried the spiced parsnip soups but didn't like them.  But this is delicious.

Take: (serves 4).

2 tablespoons of light olive or sunflower oil.
1 large onion
2 sticks of celery
4 medium sized parsnips
1 smallish potato
Vegetable stock
2 teaspoons of finely chopped fresh rosemary.
Salt and Pepper.

Put the oil in a saucepan and heat.  Peel and chop the onions and put into the pan with the oil and gently soften them.  Chop the celery and put it in the pan with the onion.  Top and tail the parsnips but don't peel them.  Chop the parsnips and put them in the pan.  Then wash and chop the unpeeled potato.  Sweat the vegetable together over a low heat for 5 mins - don't let the veggies brown.  Then add just enought stock to cover the veg.  Simmer until soft and tender.  Take off the heat and liquidise.  Then add the rosemary and add seasoning to taste.

Serve warm with a dollop of fat free greek yogurt.  Yum, Yum!  and very filling.

If you want bread or crackers with this soup you will need to take the points from your weekly allowance

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